Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Happy Happy

Hope you're all still doing great and having fun. I really hope Christmas was good for you.

Remember that there is NO YOUTH GROUP this coming Sunday Dec. 31 because it's New Years Eve and I will be at the New Years Revolution Retreat.

For those headed to the reteat........
You need to be to Mission Meadows between 12-1pm on Sat. Dec. 30. We will no be serving lunch so either eat before you leave or grab something on your way. We will be done at noon on Jan. 1 we're asking that you be picked up pretty close to noon from Mission Meadows so the staff can pack all the equipment and clean up and get home before midnight. Quick directions.....Midway Park is on Rt 430 off of 86 near Beamus......the camp is just after Midway on the left. you'll see the sign.....maybe a mile after Midway

Here's a list of what to bring.
Sleeping bag and pillow
Towel and washcloth
Toilettries (soap, shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste,
Bible and writing utensil
clothes for Sat, Sun, and Monday =comfortable but appropriate.
if snow bring appropriate outdoor clothes
bring a snack to share (give it to registration people when you arrive)

alternative things to bring:
guitar if you choose worshipleading workshop
bowling ball (this is really just a joke)
board games

For everyone.........something to mess around with. it's called LineRider. You draw the route that the little guy will sledride on. Below are two videos from guys messing around with Linerider. the first is our friend David Crowder who you may remember from a past video as a great worship leader and a me look alike. The second is a urban drawing. Don't be put off by how much time these guys messed with it to get theirs this way.....just have fun with the hill.


Anonymous said...

yeahhh...aaron fixed it...the thing came up...there was a problem with one of the videos!

i liked the second one better...the jumps and stuff were sweeter in that one (in my opinion) and i liked the little music better...more fun to dance to!

Bearded Youth Pastor said...

click refresh to get to an easier version of linerider