Monday, October 30, 2006

Monday points totals

So last night we got our teams. Team One was missing some people last night and didn't do as well as they might've in some of the competitions, but got some key questions right to keep themselves in the game.

so here are the current totals.

Team One Team Two
3000 4500

how many paintball guns do I have
Remembe that THE BIG EVENT is Nov. 10. If you are bringing a friend, you need to let me know so we have enough drivers and have enough food. We're always looking for drivers so if your parents would be willing to drive some teenagers around for an evening let me know!

Hopefully you can make youth group this coming Sunday. This will be your last chance to gain points before THE BIG EVENT. least as organized teams.

Every person coming to THE BIG EVENT must bring one item with must bring a picture of yourself as a baby (or early toddler). This picture must be put in a sealed envelope with your name on it. All pictures will be returned to you. Again, you must bring a baby picture of yourself.....the picture must be in a sealed envelope with your name on it. You will turn this in to Aaron when you arrive to THE BIG EVENT. If you're bringing a friend, the must also bring a picture of themselves!!!!!!!!

Last Saturday was what holiday?

What's Corban's birthday?


Anonymous said...

I was team two right ya. What are the baby pictures for? What do you mean what's corban's birthday? you want to know i'll predict march 9th don't know just predicting Ya iam the 1st one to post. new thing chicken or pork?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

ummm they don't know when his acutal birthday was because they said that he was born at a certain time but you and marjorie got pictures of him before this date. I think you guys are sticking with April 8th though.

I don't know what holiday it was...the feast of the something?...or else it was when Daylight Savings Time Ended...i think?

Brianna made a boo-boo on her posts about the BIG EVENT and now she is mad.

Anonymous said...

it is a good thing that chicky told me there was a new post! wow i am evil...wooohahaha!!!

i think i like chicken better although i like other things that come from pigs better.

Anonymous said...

oohhh...i have a really cute picture i want to bring but i may be to old in it...i love it though...heck, i will bring it.

Bearded Youth Pastor said...

i need to clarify one of the questions.......i was not clear. when i said last saturday I didn't mean three days ago....i means LAST saturday october 21.

riane got the birthday right. good job.

you're not suppose to know what the pictures are for, you're just suppose to bring them

Anonymous said...

for the question on what holiday is on Oct 21 is it Babbling Day Count Your Buttons Day Sweetest Day or Third Saturday of month

Bearded Youth Pastor said...

good job brianna......the answer i was looking for was sweetest day....which is way cooler than valentine's day!!!! there's still one question out there for you!

Anonymous said...

i am going to guess that you have three...i was going to guess seven because that is my favorite number but they say three is the magic number...

Anonymous said...

ok seeing as the winslows got everything else right!! hehe im goin to say 4 paintball guns!! and aaron we need to talk to you about the cry!! IM EXCITED!! and for the big event too! i love things like this!!

Anonymous said...

I think you have 6 paintball guns

Bearded Youth Pastor said...

Rianne gets the points again. I own 3 paintball guns. She's single handedly bringing her team back from a little bit of a deficite! AWESOME....this is tightening up again. Every year it seems to be close....this year is no exception....

Anonymous said...

WOOO-HOOO! Go BIG EVENT and the questions on the blog!

So how was everyone's Halloween? My was awesome in NW...and very random (as usual)

Aaron spelled my name wrong again!

Yes Bad Boy i know this is late and i have church in the morning but i wanted to type something...hehe...well i am going to send another separate one now,

Anonymous said...

ooohhh...comma at the end was supposed to be a period. *had to fix it.

Aaron...the CRY convention was awesome! I only went one day and it was both emotionally and spiritually together but it was also fun and hilarious! (especially ken) YEAH! I am all about that and the alley way, the chinese girl, bad b.o., Chris's wife jokes, football bribes + Tim Horton's four times!

Thanks for still went even when you were tired and just wanted to spend time with marjorie and corban. I really enjoyed the awesome jam-down time and talks as well.

By the way...thanks for the food...remember we will always argue about it with you until you are gone so don't give me that WHATEVER stuff...hehe. My parents appreciate it as well.

So this is random but...May I borrow that "Above the Bread" cd that you have in your car, sometime?

Anonymous said...

Yesterday was awesome. I loved going to the cry. I loved going to thechinese place i would like coke (pesi as the chinese woman said so i said ok than pesi)(for theperfectpizza the lady was messed up shethought i was a guy) Ken he was funny I can't forget going to tim horton's 4 times you must of drove the people nuts oh well not me. Also that pregnant lady you could see her bellybutton through her shirt. I loved tha drama thing yesterday i really learned alot it was fun.